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Marshland High School


Marshland High School Uniform and Appearance

We take pride in our school and our pupils, and we think it is important that is reflected in how our pupils look as they go about their studies. Our uniform is aimed at giving pupils a professional and purposeful outlook, reducing bullying by removing expensive branded items, and giving a sense of community and belonging.


There are a few items in our uniform that can be purchased only from our uniform supplier - Price and Buckland. Many other items can be purchased from any retail or online shop, allowing parents the choice to shop around for the best price.

All students in Year 7 will be provided with the following compulsory items free of charge:
• 1 school jacket
• 1 house tie
• 1 pair of trousers or a skirt

These are the only compulsory items that must be procured from the approved school uniform supplier.
All other items of the school uniform, including PE Kit, are not branded and can therefore be purchased from the High Street or online.

Parents who require financial assistance with the purchase of uniform items may receive financial support up to 75% of the cost. Applications with appropriate evidence can be made via the Marshland Finance Office.

For further information please click here.

Second Hand Uniforms

To support sustainability, we encourage families to return good-quality used uniform items to school, which allows us to donate or share with other families who may be experiencing difficulties.


Compulsory uniform consists of:

  • Grey jacket with blue heron logo and trim
  • Grey trousers for boys and girls with the addition of grey tartan pleated skirt (all with heron logo). Skirts should be worn just above the waist and must not be rolled at the waist to shorten the length. Skirts must also not be altered (shortened) without prior approval from the pastoral or Senior Leadership team.
  • House colour tie

Non-compulsory optional item:

  • Grey fine knit sweater with royal blue stripe on the collar

Uniform for all students

  • Plain grey or black socks or plain grey, black or flesh-coloured tights (no over- knee socks or socks with tassels/bows)
  • School coat - plain, without logo, warm and waterproof (No denim, hoodies or sports tops)
  • Plain white shirt or blouse with stiff collar (No polo shirts except in PE)
  • Flat black, plain, leather-type shoes with enclosed toe and heel (No boots, sandals, trainers / trainer-style shoes. No decorative fashion accessories such as buckles and beads, etc). Please see visual guidance of acceptable shoe examples here.
  • We recommend a plain sturdy backpack, ideally black or navy and free from logos and branding.
    Fashion handbags are not appropriate.
  • Belts where worn should be plain black or grey with a small buckle(Not decorative, fashion or designer)

Other prohibited items that the Senior Leadership team deem inappropriate for school (Please consult with school or website before purchasing if you are unsure).

If pupils are found to be wearing incorrect uniform or inappropriate clothing we will contact parents to resolve the issue. Pupils may be sent home to change and we may issue sanctions if the uniform is not as listed above, or if it is worn incorrectly.

Full school uniform should be worn correctly on the way to school, throughout the school day, and on the journey home. On warmer summer days a “no jacket/jumper” instruction may be issued whereby students do not have to wear their jackets or jumpers in lessons or around the school building. However, jackets need to be brought into school and kept in a school bag so that they can be worn for formal occasions such as assemblies. If students have PE as their last lesson of the day, they can choose to remain in their PE kit to travel home.


Every pupil is expected to get changed for PE even if they cannot participate fully in the practical aspects, for example, through illness or injury.  They can participate by taking on the role of an official, coach or helper for the lesson. All kit must be clearly marked with the pupil’s name and tutor form.

  • White short sleeved polo shirt/T-shirt
  • Navy blue or black shorts/Skort
  • Navy blue or black tracksuit bottoms/sports leggings
  • Navy blue or black long sports/football socks
  • Optional Marshland branded and non-branded PE Kit is available from Price & Buckland (whilst stocks last).
  • The school will provide other Sports equipment such as hockey sticks, etc.
  • Training shoes / Football boots suitable for outdoor use
  • Training shoes for indoor use only, not AstroTurf trainers which can damage floors
  • Short white socks

If a student forgets their PE kit it is expected that they borrow kit from the school.

Important – All students are expected to wear their hair up for PE lessons. All jewellery including earrings and other piercings must be removed or covered up to ensure the safety of students during physical activity.

If a student forgets their PE kit it is expected that they borrow kit from the school.


Jewellery & Watches

Pupils may wear:

  • a watch (no smart watches, iWatches, etc as outlined in our mobile phone and device policy),
  • one signet ring
  • up to one pair of small ear studs (one stud in each lobe) only.

No other jewellery such as bracelets, additional rings and other piercings are permitted. If pupils have any other visible piercings, including piercing retainers, these must be removed during the school day. See notes above about PE and Jewellery.

Expensive items should not be worn and the school will take no responsibility for their security.

Make-Up & Hair

Students may wear a small amount of discreet foundation make up in a natural colour. Students may be asked to remove any make-up that staff consider inappropriate. Coloured nail varnish, non-natural eyebrows, false nails, and nail or eyelash extensions are not permitted. Clear nail varnish is acceptable.

Hair should be kept neat and tidy and any hair accessories should be small, plain and grey or black coloured only. Extreme hairstyles - such as shaved emblems or lines, unnatural colour dyes, or extreme differences in length are not allowed.

If you are unsure whether a hairstyle or piercing meets our uniform guide, please contact the school for guidance before any treatment.

Failure to follow these expectations could result in a period of time in internal exclusion or suspension, until it is rectified or parents/carers are contacted and resolve the situation. Further details are available in the Marshland Behaviour Policy.


In exceptional circumstances, the school will adjust the above uniform expectations for individual students. This will only be by express agreement with the school. Examples of exceptional circumstances will be limited to specific medical needs and/or in response to identified needs and outcomes within a student’s education and health care plan (EHCP).

If a student arrives at school without a tie it is expected that they will hand over their mobile phone for safekeeping in exchange for a loan tie. Once the loan tie has been returned to the pastoral office at the end of the day, the mobile phone will be returned.


Uniform can be bought online from our suppliers Price and Buckland:

Please note if you have ordered from Price and Buckland prior to 11th February 2025, you will need to go to your Account Section and reset your password (you can use the same password).

For further information on ordering school uniform please click on the links below:

  • Uniform Sizing Guide - to help get the right fit, watch the short video below on how to measure correctly for school uniform

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For further information on ordering school uniform please click on the links below:

  • Uniform Sizing Guide - to help get the right fit, watch the short video below on how to measure correctly for school uniform