Student Life
Ofsted described the students at Marshland as ‘polite and courteous’ and we are proud of this reputation. But that is not the full story. Students know that the school will ask a lot from them, in obeying the school’s rules, working hard in class, attending every day, and completing homework fully by exploring subjects beyond the boundaries of the tasks set. At the same time students acknowledge that the staff work hard in return, preparing engaging lessons, marking work, and giving constructive criticism when required.
This transaction is based on mutual respect and a strong desire to see every student make the best progress they can. Students take their roles at the school seriously and responsibly, from classroom learner to student leader to mentor and friend. All members of the school community aim to demonstrate the pride they feel in themselves and their community through every action undertaken.
To develop leadership there are extensive opportunities for students to be elected as a prefect, to represent their forms in the vibrant school council, and to lead their houses in academic and sporting competitions. Students rise to these roles, and become outstanding ambassadors for the school in a range of settings.
We are proud of our students!