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Year 6 Transition - September 2024

Welcome to Marshland High School!

The information here is to help you and your child transition from Primary to Secondary Education with us ready for September 2024. 

Year 6 Transition Information

We are looking forward to our new students joining us in September. More details will be provided as soon as we have them, but if you have any concerns or queries not addressed in our letter, please direct them to Mrs Swinburn, Assistant Head for KS3 by email on

Any new advice, information or news will be posted to these pages, so please refer to these pages regularly over the coming weeks.

Year 6 parents evening Thursday 3rd July 2025 - individual times will be sent to you

Year 6 transition day Friday 4th July 2024 - 8:45am - 2:40pm

We look forward to welcoming your child to Marshland High School.

Transition Work


Be Awesome, Go Big is a package to help Year 6 students transition into Year 7. It can be used by students and parents at home or in school with teachers in class. It is designed to be motivational, helpful and reassuring and to help young people feel valued, loved, encouraged and equipped for the journey ahead.

The resources are based on bestselling children’s books You Are Awesome by Matthew Syed and Go Big: The secondary school survival guide by Matthew Burton. 

We can highly recommend the books as great reads for both students and parents.


These resources provide information, tips and questions to help you open up discussion with your child about the transition and help prepare them for starting secondary school:


These resources have been created to prepare Year 6 pupils for the transition to secondary school.

The lessons are based on the books You Are Awesome by Matthew Syed and Go Big by Matthew Burton. Each session will take pupils through some big ideas to help them on their way to secondary school.

Children should work through each interactive lesson, recording their answers in the accompanying workbook:

Meet Your Form Tutors

Year 7 team 2024-2025

This is a list of some staff who you will meet whilst you are in year 7.

We hope this will help you familiarise yourself before you start. We are all looking forward to meeting you.

Mrs Swinburn

Assistant Head Teacher of KS3

Hello I am Mrs Swinburn Assistant Head Teacher of KS3 and teacher of Design and Technology. I have worked at Marshland now for 22 years and enjoy working in a lovely friendly school.

In my spare time I like to read and travel although most of my time is taken up with looking after my 12-year-old daughter!

I look forward to supporting you all on your Marshland education journey.

Mr Sedgeley

Year 7 Pastoral Support

Hi my name is Mr Sedgeley and I will be your new Pastoral Manager.

I have been at Marshland for over 5 years and love working here as it is so friendly and inclusive.

My main role is to ensure you are both safe and happy throughout your journey with us and to be there for you in both the highs and lows.

When I am not at school I love playing and watching sports, particularly football and cricket. I also enjoy reading and gaming online with friends. I have a young family including twins (who are in their terrible twos) who regularly remind me that sleep is a luxury. Thankfully I have a very sweet tooth which helps.

I am passionate that every child matters and I look forward to getting to know every one of you and supporting you to reach your potential. I am so happy as you all now have the best Pastoral Manager.

Year 7 Form Tutors 2024-2025

Mr Thorn

Hello Year 7, I am Mr. Thorn and teach Computer Science here at Marshland High School. I'm almost as new to Marshland as you are, so we'll be newbies together!

I grew up in Peterborough and moved to the area shortly after COVID. I'm a supporter of Peterborough United (UP THE POSH) and enjoy running and "playing" 5-a-side football in my spare time.

 I look forward to meeting you all in September and helping you discover all the wonderful opportunities that Marshland has to offer!


Mrs Webb

Hello, my name is Mrs Webb. I teach English and I have also taught some drama lessons. I joined Marshland High School in 2014 and really enjoy working here. 

In my spare time I love being with my family and friends. I also enjoy reading and walking my dog. My other hobbies include watching motorbike racing and listening to loud music! 

I am looking forward to meeting you all in September and sharing your Marshland journey with you.

Miss Hitchcock

Hello, I am Miss Hitchcock and I am a Science teacher at Marshland.

I have worked at Marshland for 5 years. I have just said goodbye to my first ever form and I have watched them go from Year 7-11. However, I am very excited to meet my new form and for you to start your journey at Marshland.

In my free time I love to see family and friends, read a book, go to the theatre (I love musicals), but most of the time you will find me at a golf course!

Miss Belding

Hello, my name is Miss Belding and I’m going to be a mathematics teacher in September. I previously worked at Marshland as a maths mentor and came here as a student- I loved it that much I’m coming back a third time!

In my spare time I love taking my dogs out, spending time with friends and going on holidays!

I am looking forward to meeting you all in September!

Mr Hudson

Hi my name is Mr. Hudson I teach PE and Maths at Marshland.

 I do lots of sports fixtures and after school clubs so if you like sport we will get to know each other quickly.

Outside of PE I am often out on the field or playground during break and lunch times. In my form times I like to make things fun and have prizes like Haribos.

Mr Hanley

Hi, my name is Mr Hanley and I teach Science at Marshland. I joined Marshland High School in 2021 and I have really enjoyed my time teaching here.

I am looking forward to being a year 7 form tutor and being able to help you all through your time at Secondary School! If you ever have any problems or concerns you can always feel free to come and see me.

Outside of school, my favourite things are football (I’m a big Norwich City fan!), gaming and going on walks with my dog where possible. You will also probably notice that I’m very tall, (6 foot 5 to be exact!).

I look forward to seeing you all in September!


SEND Information 

If you have any questions regarding Special Educational needs please contact Mrs S Pettifar by email on