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At Marshland High School we are very lucky with the support that our parents give to their children and the school.  We all recognise the vital role that strong links with our parents play in ensuring that students maximise their learning and performance.  Parents are kept abreast of their child’s progress through: parents’ evenings, information giving sessions, on-line contact through Satchel One (formerly Show My Homework) and the SIMS Parent App, reports, and good access to form tutors and pastoral managers.

The termly report is a key signpost for parents to assess their child’s progress and behaviour for learning.  Grades are provided by each subject teacher, and these can be readily compared with the child’s target grade, which is derived from the student’s KS2 results.  The report makes the backbone of discussions between the student, parents, the form tutor, the head of house and the subject teachers.  This interaction and analysis of progress enables the school to ensure that every student is making the best progress they can.

Parents also play a key role in underlining the essential role of education and qualifications in today’s world.  Attendance at parents’ evenings, support with homework, and an interest in their child’s learning each day emphasise to the student the importance their parents place on their progress.  When a child perceives that the parent and school are working together, they feel safe, supported and able to grow to their full potential.