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Please click on the sections below to view the independent charities/trusts that support our students to achieve their goal.

Cambs Youth Panel

Formed in 2016, Cambs Youth Panel was initially set up to advise the police (Cambridgeshire Constabulary) but have since grown to give advice and guidance on all matters that affect young people. 

Cambs Youth Panel have supported some pupils at Marshland High School by providing Raspberry Pi’s and other computers, some to keep and some on a loan basis.  This has helped pupils continue to study during absence from school such as the coronavirus pandemic or long term illness. 

To view their website click here.

WNKL School Girls trust

This Educational Trust was set up in 1983 to administer the funds and assets of the West Norfolk and King's Lynn High School for Girls 1887-1979. The aim of the trust is to help girls and young women, over the age of 11, further their education and training. Financial assistance can be awarded for a range of purposes. These may include:-

  • professional and vocational training
  • an educational activity
  • study at home or abroad
  • training in music, sport or the creative arts
  • the provision of essential books or equipment
  • course fees

To find out more about the trust and its benefits please click on the link below to view their website:

West Norfolk and Kings Lynn School Girls Trust