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I am incredibly proud and privileged to introduce you to our remarkable school, Marshland High.

We are an inclusive school community, dedicated to the needs of the individual.   A community where we strive each day to promote and develop our core values of Respect, Responsibility, Kindness, Honesty and Perseverance – laying the foundations for a lifetime of enjoyment and happiness.

Marshland is one of the highest achieving schools in West Norfolk and North Cambridgeshire.  We are committed to the pursuit of academic development and our school consistently achieves excellent GCSE outcomes for our students.  

We encourage all our students to embrace the multitude of extra-curricular opportunities we provide within music, the arts, sport and leadership, all focused on developing well-rounded young people.

Our unique school ethos enables us to develop a learning community environment where every young person feels happy, safe and valued, enabling them to achieve their best.

Mr Craig Jansen


Marshland is justly proud of its reputation as an inclusive community, which is dedicated to the needs of the individual. A community where we strive each day to promote and develop our core values, developing resilience, laying the foundations for a lifetime of enjoyment and happiness. 

Our academy trust provides a very supporting and inclusive working environment for all our staff and pupils. All schools within our trust work collaboratively on the development of our curriculum, pedagogy, resourcing and extra-curricular activities.

We aim for our school to be at the heart of our community, preparing young people for life in modern Britain. We seek to nurture active caring and independent citizens who lead rewarding and successful lives. We are a safe and friendly community, where students experience a challenging and engaging curriculum, offering cultural opportunities beyond our classrooms.

We endeavour to instil a love of learning and a respect for education as we believe that education is life-changing and that learning should continue throughout life. We strive to ensure each and every student is the best they can be at whatever they do. We promote high aspirations for every student, encourage excellence in every area and celebrate individual achievement.

Marshland is a truly comprehensive school and one that aims to provide an environment that encourages every student to become a rounded citizen of whom all society can be proud. It offers many varied opportunities for personal growth as well as an appropriate curriculum for each student. All students are made aware of their potential as individuals, and parents/carers and students are kept regularly informed about their progress against these targets.

We hope you will find our website a useful platform to explore our school, discover the opportunities available to our students and learn about our core values and ethos that we firmly establish in the  daily life of our school