Marshland Uniform Update
13th July 2020
As communicated in January, from the start of September 2020, Years 7, 8 and 9 will be required to wear the new Marshland Uniform with grey jacket. Years 10 and 11 will continue to wear black jumpers and current House tie in line with uniform standards.
For Years 7, 8 and 9, the following items will be provided free of charge: Boys - 1 x trouser, 1 x Jacket and 1 x House Colour Tie Girls - 1 x skirt OR 1 x trouser, 1 x Jacket and 1 x House Colour Tie
Parents have been emailed separately regarding how to order the free items, alongside how to order additional items including the optional long sleeve jumper to go under the jacket via Price & Buckland’s website – final order dates will be during August.
Price and Buckland’s Website which will have two sections - one for existing uniform (available now) and one for new uniform (will launch after 1st August 2020) where you will find further information and sizing guides.
Our school website has a sizing table for trouser and skirt lengths, as well as guidance on acceptable styles of shoe and other uniform requirements.
As explained previously, given COVID-19 restrictions, there have been delays in production of our uniform. Orders will be delivered into school ready for you to collect. After a few days there will be an opportunity to come into school to exchange items where a wrong size has been ordered. The time lag will ensure a sufficient quarantine period for any tried on and returned items. We will, of course, publish updated information on our website as dates are confirmed.
Provisional order delivery dates into school (may be subject to change) is Tuesday 1st September for collection. Exchanges can be made Thursday 3rd/Friday 4th September.
We thank you for your support in these unprecedented times. We are doing everything we can to make September re-opening as successful as possible.