Introducing the New Head Boy and Girl and Prefects

The school has recently appointed our Head Boy and Head Girl for the coming year, as well as 9 prefects.
Last week, during Assembly, they were given their prefect ties, and below is the speech given by Head Boy, Connor Warrington, and Head Girl, Megan Marshall.
“We feel very privileged to have been appointed Head Boy and Head Girl as this is the first time in the school’s recent history that students have been chosen to represent the school in this way. It is a very important role because we are the heads of the student leadership team, and therefore the face of the school. We must set and uphold the standards for other students, and be good role models. We will be supporting the school by representing the student body at events such as parents evenings, new intake days, and the annual prize giving ceremony.
However, we are also here to be supportive to students who may need help in some way. Therefore, it is essential that we remain positive and approachable at all times. In essence, the Head Boy and Head Girl should work with both staff and students to help ensure that Marshland High School continues to be successful, respected in the local community and a school to be proud of.
Marshland is a school where students behave and have respect for each other and the staff. Our aim is to help ensure that such a reputation is maintained by promoting high standards of behaviour by leading by example and encouraging the other students to follow suit. We and the other prefects are responsible for supporting the staff supervising pastoral detentions and also helping ensure the dinner queue is orderly. Working hard and achieving the very best you can is part of the ethos of the school. As Head Boy and Head Girl we aim high, and rise to challenges, but will always make time for any students who may need that bit of encouragement or support with their studies.
We believe that Marshland is by far the best school in the area, and aim to continue to maintain its fine reputation.”
Our new prefects are:
Bonnie Booth Emily Kelly Michaela Matthew Charlotte Clark Molly Cole,
Chloe Hawkins Tom Whiskens Marcin Kaluzny Eleanor Hilton